CRESCENT Products: SARGE Knives — Working to Find Those Initial Niches

Last week, we met Gene Morris when he burst in the room laughing. This week, we get a sense of why the Morris patriarch ticks the way he does and […]

CRESCENT Products: SARGE Knives — Setting No Limits for its Marketplace

  There are all kinds of knives – from a pocket knife every boy’s grandfather gave him to a blade that law enforcement would grab for their war on drugs. […]

CRESCENT Products: At SARGE Knives, the Riches are in the Niches.

Matt Morris and his father Gene aren’t like “Crocodile” Dundee, but they can still look at you and say definitively, “That’s not a knife. THAT’s a knife.” They can because […]

CRESCENT Products: Loggerhead Apparel — Customers? Give ‘Em What They Want.

When you look at your customer base, what do you see? Who wears Loggerhead? ZAC: We don’t want to be labeled as a college brand.  We don’t want to be […]

CRESCENT Products: Loggerhead Apparel — This Sea Turtle Can Take on the Horse or the Whale Any Day.

There is an undercurrent from people who want to see South Carolina-based products. If you haven’t noticed in the state’s farmers’ markets, road-side stands, and numerous other businesses, the South […]

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