CRESCENT’s Editor is a Big Loser
By: Taft Matney If you’ve spent almost any time reading CRESCENT, you know that as we discuss “South Carolina life, politics, and a little bit in between,” we talk about […]
Jocassee Gorges is a Prime Destination for Trout Enthusiasts
The state’s prized 50 square miles of mountain habitat known as the Jocassee Gorges contains some of the highest quality water resources anywhere…and things are getting even better, according to […]
Nik Wallenda’s Grand Canyon Walk Happened Because of SC
When Nik Wallenda made his historic cross over the Grand Canyon, he did it with South Carolina engineering beneath his feet. In fact, twice in the past two years Wallenda […]
Greenville Businessman Named Winner of 2012 Environmental Awareness Award
Tom Kester, a retired partner from the global auditing firm of KPMG LLP, has been named winner of the 2012 South Carolina Environmental Awareness Award. Kester, who serves as chairman […]