FROM THE DESK OF: The Happiest Guy in Florida
BY: Taft Matney As the sun rose over Florida this morning, just a day removed from the South Carolina primary, there’s no doubt that the happiest guy in the state […]
FROM THE DESK OF: Campaigns are like Political Christmas Tree Lots
BY: Taft Matney Christmas tree lots. They’re set up overnight, they open on a busy corner, they run for a few weeks, and they’re gone. Employees often come from out […]
FROM THE DESK OF: Reaction from the Iowa Caucuses and Huff-Po’s “Power Outsiders”
BY: Taft Matney As the dust settled from the Iowa Caucuses and before Clemson shocked the world coming out on the short end of a 70-33 Orange Bowl game against […]
Happy New Year From CRESCENT
From everyone at CRESCENT, we wish you a happy, healthy, and safe 2012 that lets you keep all of your resolutions. South Carolina still has a lot of stories to […]
Merry Christmas from the (CRESCENT) Family
Oysters roasting on an open fire, sweet tea nipping at your lips… CRESCENT wishes you and your family the merriest of Christmases. Tweet